Friday, November 12, 2010

a very "fall" day

I rode my bike down to this park near the Sandy River this morning. Last time I did this I got a flat tire...this time however my rear tire decided to fall completely off and I got a nice punch in the stomach from my handle bars. I'm sure it was a funny thing to see, I even had a good laugh about it for awhile.....but I had to CARRY my bike and the tire up a large hill and all the way home. It was exhausting lol. It was a very pretty day out though, so even though I am sore and have blisters on my hands, I'll look on the bright side and say I love this season!


  1. A beautiful day to cycle and take some great shots.
    Sorry about your bike.
    Have a great weekend Hillary.

  2. Oh you made me laugh too. sorry girl. But I'm glad you took it on so well. and than this shot...amazing....
    Hugs Dagmar

  3. Not the best start to a day; but a lovely picture. Hope you make a quick recovery.

  4. Better not try to go there a third time - who knows what might happen ! ;-)

    Glad you went and made this great photo though - beautiful contrasting colours.

    Hope you're all healed up !
